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Organising Seeds

Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Jayne Eaton

Hardy Plant Society seeds
Hardy Plant Society seeds
My Hardy Plant Society seeds arrived this morning. The Hardy Plant Society is a society for people who love hardy plants. They send an informative spring and autumn newsletter and, best of all, as a member, you are entitled to order 20 packets of seeds all donated by members. You can get some real treasures.
My new seed organisation system
My new seed organisation system
Exciting stuff but the arrival of yet more seeds highlighted that I needed a much better way to organise them. Last year I stored them in plastic food tubs: one for each sowing month. The March tub was overflowing and every time I wanted a particular seed, I had to search through all the seeds in that month to find it. I needed a new system. I searched for seed boxes online but they all seemed to organise by sowing month. So, I invested in a couple of small shoebox boxes, from Wilkinsons (£2 each). I made card dividers out of some scrap card and organised the seeds alphabetically.
A box for seeds waiting to be sown and seeds sown
A box for seeds waiting to be sown and seeds sown
I set up one box for seeds waiting to be sown and a second box for seeds already sown. If I am going to resow the seeds later in the year, for example hardy annuals in autumn, I leave them in the waiting to be sown box, otherwise I move them to the sown box after sowing. It is working really well so far. It takes only seconds to find the particular seed packet I need and to file it away when I’ve finished with it. It does mean keeping a list of what I want to sow every month, but I find that works better for me anyway as I can tick off each seed as I sow it.