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In Love with the Lent Lily

Saturday 20th March 2021

Jayne Eaton

Narcissus pseudonarcissus on the grassy bank behind the bedroom window
Narcissus pseudonarcissus on the grassy bank behind the bedroom window
I love this little native daffodil. I planted 50 on the grassy bank behind the house and it has been a joy to watch them open this spring. Only 28 this year, but I am reliably informed by the supplier (Peter Nyssen) that they bulk up over time. They are a million miles away from the big, blowsy, yellow daffodils that a previous owner planted in the garden here. They are elegant and refined and when the frost comes, they bow their heads so that they look like little, demure petticoats. As soon as it warms up, they bounce back to dance and smile in the sun.